The Ark, Creationists, And A Case For Mandatory Baby Shaking. Final Part

Before starting this final instalment on insanity I must first pay tribute to Johnplex , not only for supplying the clips that I have made use of in these articles, but for enduring what for me at least was unendurable; sitting down and editing out a few minutes of usable film out of a seemingly endless amount of absolute drivel.
That he took the time and effort to organise the Reverend Ricky material and juxtapose it with the Mendez/Davies tripe is quite commendable.
I can say this without fear of contradiction for I Googled Mendez/Ark this morning and came up with both a site for Mendez and one for Tomorrow Television.
They both offered various film clips which I duly downloaded and subsequently waded through for the purpose of this article.
Having suffered forty minutes of Mendez and Davies talking absolute shite I then turned my attention to Mendez and one of his Ark Seminars, well peeps, if you think I was going to subject myself to an hour and three quarters of Mendez strut his Ark nonsense to a bunch of fundies then you don't know me, which of course you don't.
No my little buttered mushrooms, some things are above and beyond the call. I would go as far as to say three to five in the big house struck me as a more attractive proposition.
I shall post the links at the end of this, do as you will.
I did however come across other stuff that can only be described as head shaking. Not head shaking as in baby shaking, but head shaking in that unbelievable/how sad kind of way, the slow side to side way that one associates with material of such magnitude.
At this point please sit a moment and make yourself receptive to talking on board the enormity of what an adult male of the species is actually doing here. The trouble he has gone to with all his models, the "Scientific Data" he has amassed, and the fact he can present it to others without the least bit of embarrassment.
To ignore every bit of common sense, every scientific fact, every geological timeline, (look up carboniferous period. coal, plate tectonics in Creation Wiki to name a few) ignore all and everything, talk the most ridiculous talking points, anything in fact, just make a case for the existence of a god, for Noah, and a bloody Ark, man oh man, and we as atheists are asked to show respect to the likes of Mendez and the millions of others just like him that wallow in this adopted ignorance they call religion.
So let us have a look then at more clips from Johnplex.
Clips Four and Five have some interest, if nothing more than to show prime examples in the use of non sequators. Hitler/Stalin/Pol Pot were Darwinists, ergo Darwinism is evil.
It is clip Six that is the real gem as it shows Mendez making his case for there being aboard the Ark a creature, the most ferocious beast ever to walk the earth and already dead some sixty five million years.
Mendez: God created the reptiles, (dinosaurs) they were created because Satan, the Great Serpent, he was over the world of the dinosaurs, and he fell and the dinosaurs took on the nature of Satan and became very ferocious.
So now you know.

Before starting this final instalment on insanity I must first pay tribute to Johnplex , not only for supplying the clips that I have made use of in these articles, but for enduring what for me at least was unendurable; sitting down and editing out a few minutes of usable film out of a seemingly endless amount of absolute drivel.
That he took the time and effort to organise the Reverend Ricky material and juxtapose it with the Mendez/Davies tripe is quite commendable.
I can say this without fear of contradiction for I Googled Mendez/Ark this morning and came up with both a site for Mendez and one for Tomorrow Television.
They both offered various film clips which I duly downloaded and subsequently waded through for the purpose of this article.
Having suffered forty minutes of Mendez and Davies talking absolute shite I then turned my attention to Mendez and one of his Ark Seminars, well peeps, if you think I was going to subject myself to an hour and three quarters of Mendez strut his Ark nonsense to a bunch of fundies then you don't know me, which of course you don't.
No my little buttered mushrooms, some things are above and beyond the call. I would go as far as to say three to five in the big house struck me as a more attractive proposition.
I shall post the links at the end of this, do as you will.
I did however come across other stuff that can only be described as head shaking. Not head shaking as in baby shaking, but head shaking in that unbelievable/how sad kind of way, the slow side to side way that one associates with material of such magnitude.
At this point please sit a moment and make yourself receptive to talking on board the enormity of what an adult male of the species is actually doing here. The trouble he has gone to with all his models, the "Scientific Data" he has amassed, and the fact he can present it to others without the least bit of embarrassment.
To ignore every bit of common sense, every scientific fact, every geological timeline, (look up carboniferous period. coal, plate tectonics in Creation Wiki to name a few) ignore all and everything, talk the most ridiculous talking points, anything in fact, just make a case for the existence of a god, for Noah, and a bloody Ark, man oh man, and we as atheists are asked to show respect to the likes of Mendez and the millions of others just like him that wallow in this adopted ignorance they call religion.
So let us have a look then at more clips from Johnplex.
Clips Four and Five have some interest, if nothing more than to show prime examples in the use of non sequators. Hitler/Stalin/Pol Pot were Darwinists, ergo Darwinism is evil.
It is clip Six that is the real gem as it shows Mendez making his case for there being aboard the Ark a creature, the most ferocious beast ever to walk the earth and already dead some sixty five million years.
Mendez: God created the reptiles, (dinosaurs) they were created because Satan, the Great Serpent, he was over the world of the dinosaurs, and he fell and the dinosaurs took on the nature of Satan and became very ferocious.
So now you know.
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